Photos/Video: Another man beaten and tied up in Abia State after he was caught wearing a shirt he allegedly stole
Yet another man was beaten and tortured for wearing a shirt he allegedly stole from a boutique in Umuahia, Abia State, after he was apprehended by the owner.
Recall earlier today, LIB reported a story of a man who was stripped, beaten and paraded naked for allegedly stealing a Keke (read here) in Ibeku in the same Umuahia, Abia State.
According to online reports, the owner of the said shirt spotted the suspect walking past wearing it and quickly raised alarm. The suspect was then caught and questioned by his captors but he denied the accusation.
Photos/Video: Another man beaten and tied up in Abia State after he was caught wearing a shirt he allegedly stole
When quizzed by an angry mob, the suspect further said he didn’t steal the shirt and that it was given to him by one of his friends...
Watch the video below...

Canadian born singer, Justin Bieber is clearly passing through a phase in life. First he cancelled his tour, began going to church and now he's identifying with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Not long ago, he shared a post with the Black Live Matter logo and a caption that reads, 'I am a white Canadian and I will never know what it feels like to be an african American but what I do know is I am willing to stand up and use my voice to shine light on racism, because it's a real thing and it's more prevalent now than I have ever seen in my lifetime.. we are all Gods children and we are ALL EQUAL'.

Karrueche Tran has revealed why she obtained a restraining order against her ex and singer Chris Brown.
In June, the “Claws” actress obtained a 5-year restraining order against the singer, after she accused him of beating her and threatening her with a series of text messages that were presented in court.
Chris Brown subsequently denied all allegations levelled against him.
Speaking in a new interview with Hot 97, the model-turned-actress said that she filed the court order in June for her “safety.”
“I’m always positive and I’m focused, more than ever right now, on work,” she said. “That’s the goal for me. There’s no drama or anything like that. I do have the R.O. in place, but it’s all good. We live our own lives. That’s how we move.”
When asked if she felt the restraining order was necessary, she replied, “for my safety, yeah” and confirmed she was really afraid, but would not state specific concerns.
“It just got to the point where I can’t,” she said. “I live in L.A. I’m from L.A. and I move around how I wanna move. That’s what I felt that I needed.” Later, she added: “I just focus on myself and work.”
Tran’s relationship with Chris Brown was on and off between 2011 and 2015, but she officially called it off after it was revealed Brown had a child with model, Nia Guzman, in 2014.
Watch the interview below...

A criminology student has been jailed for falsely accusing a taxi driver of raping her after he refused to accept a £10 note covered in kebab oil.
Sophie Pointon, 22, called police in the early hours of April 22, this year and told officers she had been molested in the back of the cab she had been picked up in after a night out. She went on to sign a statement giving an account of the attack, in Leeds, West Yorks, England.
Following the accusation, the driver, a father-of-five, was tracked down and kept in custody for six hours, Leeds Crown Court heard. He was also unable to work for four weeks as a result of the claim. The driver described in a statement how the false allegation had caused him to suffer from stress.
Kate Bisset, prosecuting, said the driver was interviewed and said he could recall Pointon being "extremely drunk" when she got into his car holding a kebab. He said Pointon threw a £10 note at him when they reached the Hyde Park area but he refused to accept it as it was covered in oil from the kebab. The driver said Pointon then became abusive and ran around the car opening doors.
The prosecutor said: "He did not think much of it at the time because such incident with people who are intoxicated are not unusual."
A recording of a conversation between the driver and a phone operator at his taxi office supported his account. The court heard a GPS tracker fitted to the car also revealed Pointon's description of the taxi journey to be untrue.
When Pointon's account of the incident was challenged by police, she broke down in tears and asked if she could drop the charges. She pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and was jailed for 16 months.
Denise Breen-Lawton, mitigating, said Pointon, of Manchester, had been studying in Leeds at the time. She said her hopes of becoming a police officer were now ruined.
Judge Christopher Batty told her: "Your malicious complaint has done a huge disservice to those seeking justice through the police and courts."

Plastic surgery addict, Rodrigo Alves, also known Human Ken Doll was pictured on a night out with Life on Marbs star Danni Levy on Wednesday, as they joined a meal at La Sala in Puerto Banus, Marbella.
The 34-year-old donned an impressive checked suit and a white shirt, while Danni showed off her curves in a form-fitting LBD and heels for the outing.
While enjoying their night out at the celebrity hotspot, the pair sipped on champagne and fed each other strawberries, while watching a performance.
Rodrigo Alves, who is a Brazilian TV personality has done over 63 surgical procedures on his body.
More photos below..

          University of Port Harcourt undergraduate, Ifeanyi Dike, who escaped from Rivers state police command custody on Sunday, August 19th after he was arrested for raping, killing and cutting off vital body parts of an eight-year-old girl, Chikamso, in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, has been rearrested.
Ifeanyi who had been on the run, was arrested in Jos, Plateau state where he was hiding. The state commissioner of police, Zaki Ahmed, said the suspect was arrested this morning by men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad in the state. 
He is currently being transported to Rivers state where he would be tried for murder and rape.
Recall that the police officer who was on duty when he escaped from custody has been dismissed and is now being tried for conspiracy and obstruction of justice. 

A mother has avoided jail despite pleading guilty to hitting her eight-month-old daughter with a spoon, leaving her face bruised.
Lorien Norman, 26, from South Australia, faced a maximum of 13 years behind bars, but was given a 21-month suspended sentence with a two-year good behavior bond and a $500 fine after the District Court judge said baby Evie's injuries were "likely to resolve".
Lorien called emergency services at 4 a.m. in October last year, threatening to throw the baby off her apartment balcony, according to court documents. When police arrived, they saw that Evie had purple bruises on her face so they took both mother and daughter to the hospital. 
Court documents said the mother initially lied to police that Evie had fallen off a play gym, but a doctor determined otherwise. Evie had injuries consistent with physical assault and had "at least eight separate blows to her face and body." The doctor said some of the injuries appeared to be caused by the "black slotted spoon" seized from the kitchen at the address.
In spite of that, Lorien walked free. Judge Costello noted that she had a "troubled adolescence" and had been in and out of an Adelaide clinic with a bordeline personality disorder. 
"You are clearly remorseful for your actions," the judge said.
The baby's father Shane McMahon expressed outrage at the judge's decision on social media, saying he has "no faith in the system."
"I’d be still in jail if I did this to a child," he wrote on Facebook.

 Former President Goodluck Jonathan, is currently in Malaysia for the  World Peace Summit. In his paper which he titled "Conscience Based Leadership: The Secret to Global Peace and Security.’, Jonathan spoke of how he was inspired to lead Nigeria by using his conscience dispassionately. 
"Since you specifically invited me to share my experience as a political leader and President, with the forum, I will, therefore, like to mention some of the things I did in office, to build a peaceful society. I can confidently say that in all my public life, I was inspired to lead by conscience. This is in agreement with my personal philosophy which I first proclaimed while running for the office of the Governor of my home state Bayelsa in 2006, and re-echoed when I ran for the office of the President of Nigeria in 2011 and 2015. Then, I made it clear that my political ambition is not worth the blood of anybody. Ever since I said that in November of 2006 in Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa State, I have always lived by it. This philosophy informed my 12 decision to concede the 2015 Presidential election, even while the results were still being collated"
Speaking further, he said "Let me give an example of one way I was inspired to lead by my conscience. In Nigeria, there were 10.5 million (about 15% of the population) out of school children who were of school age, going by UNICEF figures, as at the time I became President. This was a disproportionate portion for my country which was quite alarming, considering that many other developing nations with much higher population had fewer numbers of out of school children. Over 80% of these children for which majority are known as Almajiri came from the northern part of Nigeria, where I recorded the least votes in the elections I contested. Knowing the value of education , I could see that the ugly situation was limiting the opportunities of these children and negatively affecting the development of my country. That was why my administration decided to build 165 Almajiri Integrated Model Schools which combined both western and Islamic education in its curricula. They were designed to have significant impact in reducing the number of out of school children, and opening the space for them to dream like other kids in other parts of the nation. Constitutionally, the Federal Government which I led was not obligated to build primary and secondary schools. It is the 13 responsibility of the states and local governments. But I believed that without providing education to these children, the country would be fated to spend more money in fighting insecurity. My administration took education seriously because I saw education as the weapon with which we could break the bond between illiteracy and crime levels. For instance, it was obvious that Boko Haram terrorists were exploiting these innocent children in the northern part of the country and using them as canon fodders to destabilize the country. The situation was so awful that security reports indicated that even parents were alleged to be giving out their innocent and illiterate children to terrorists for suicide bombing.
I am a firm believer in education, and just as I had said elsewhere, any nation that does not spend its wealth in educating its youth will eventually spend that wealth to fight insecurity. With my one and half years stay as the governor of my State, Bayelsa, one of the remarkable things I tried to do then was to upgrade and improve infrastructure in our educational institutions in my determination to encourage more children to go to school, and stop them from taking to crimes. I also revived the award of post primary school scholarship to bright students from mainly the rural communities and sent them to the best 14 secondary schools in Nigeria.
I introduced a concept of building two specialized post-primary institutions as centres of excellence for gifted and talented students. My aim was to build role models who will inspire others in all the nooks and crannies of the state. I believed that one of the most effective ways of discouraging restiveness and other crimes that are prevalent in the Niger Delta, Nigeria’s seat of oil exploration, was to build role models to give hope to other disenchanted youths. The whole idea was using education to solve social and security problems in my country.
When I eventually became President, I thought it was time to mainstream this programme to the centre, by expanding the opportunities for qualitative education at all levels, to every hardworking Nigerian youth. Throughout the time I was in office, education enjoyed the highest sectoral allocation in the nation's budget. This was why we were able to scale up our education programmes, especially at the tertiary level, where there was an obvious need to address the challenge of insufficient spaces for our youths.
We built 12 additional conventional universities and two more specialised institutions including one maritime university and a police university. With that, we expanded the opportunities to educate our youth in relevant fields, and produce the manpower needs of our economy. 15 For a nation to truly develop, it must cultivate a crop of manpower that could revolutionise its technological advancement. For this reason, we introduced the Presidential Special Scholarship Scheme for Innovation and Development (PRESSID). With this programme, we offered scholarship to the best of our first-class graduates from the technical disciplines, to embark on further studies in the world’s leading universities. The idea was to send them to these institutions to acquire technical skills that are relevant to our development goals. To reduce tension and conflict in the Niger Delta, we equally implemented a programme for the training of the youths in different disciplines, skills and technical vocations relevant to our economy, in many local and foreign institutions".
Read the full text of his speech here.

Mehn!!the beef is still going on...

Recall that few days ago, rapper Yung6ix called out comedian Akpororo after he made a joke about him at a concert in Ilorin saying that he should have used the 3.9million he spent on drinks at a night club  to buy a hit song as he has none. Read previous story here.
Yung6ix's DJ, Baddest DJTimmy has also joined in the beef. He went ballistic on Akpororo and his wife on Instagram. He made videos calling out Akpororo saying his wife and mother of his child was a sex slave and had aborted six times for PD, a dancer. He also said Akpororo begged to marry her and advised him to get a paternity test done as his child may  be someone else's.


In February 2013, Davido’s cousin Bayo Adeleke better known as B-Red officially signed to HKN Gang.

Fast forward to September 2017, B-Red has now renewed his contract with the label. He signed the contract renewal this week in the presence of his manager, Justin Campbell and HKN Lawyer, Prince.

Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade-Ekehinde, who recently returned to the big screen after a three-year hiatus, has opened up on her career, music, sex, marriage and future plans in a chat with The Entertainer. Read below...
*You took a rather long break from the movie industry, why?
I have been around but I have been building my businesses, film village in Badagry and some other personal international projects. I took time to creatively re-organise myself.
*How far have you gone with the film village?
So far, my husband and I have over 20 plus acres of land in Badagry. He has his for his ‘Aquatic Jungle Entertainment’ and I have mine for the film village. We have started with the first phase, which will have a cinema and other attractions. It is in its early stages, but surely, we are making progress.
*How soon would all these be ready?
That won’t be this year but maybe, next year. We are talking to some investors because the film village is quite a huge project. Buying lots of plots of land could be stressful. But at this stage, we are building gradually.
*Talking about the film village in Badagry, are you in partnership with the Lagos State government?
No, not now. I had a meeting with the former governor (Babatunde Fashola); he knows about the project but I haven’t visited the new governor (Akinwunmi Ambode) yet. I also started another project in Ikeja, it is like a smaller version of what I am doing in Badagry. It is called The Double Doors Film Village. So, these are things that I have been putting together.
*How do you connect closely with your co-stars when playing sex scenes, I mean the chemistry between actors in movies?
Sometimes you can tell while watching a movie that a couple doesn’t have chemistry. It is not something you can force. Some actors are very good at acting it. But sometimes, when it has to do with love, relationship, it’ is not easy to play. When you want to act like you love the person, there are some natural acts and gesticulations that you can’t force. But if you are a well-trained actor, you would not find that difficult. There are some little tricks to these things that some actors don’t know. You can make it happen and look real too, especially in love and sex scenes.
*Talking about the film, Alter Ego, how did you come about having so much chemistry with Wole Ojo?
I have heard about him so much but the movie was the first time we got together. When we got to know we would be acting together, we spent a lot of time playing; we played very rough. I understand the power of being so close to your love interest in a movie, so we became very close even before the shooting. We ate together and spent lots of time together, and had each other’s interest at heart. It helped us to bring out our best in Alter Ego.
*In Alter Ego, lots of movie critics believe you over played the raunchy scenes, did that get at you?
When I wasn’t even that confident, I starred in a movie called The Prostitute, which was released 22 years ago. If I didn’t die then, is it now? I am ready for them. I don’t even like watching myself on screen. If I do, I will feel like burning inside and might even start crying because I criticise myself a lot. Sometimes, I pity those watching especially when I poorly do a sex scene. I would be like ‘what was that for?’ It can kill the whole movie when it’s poorly done. For me, if a sex scene is not going to be well done, then why do it in the first place? If you must kiss, you should be able to kiss well; make it professional.
*How have you succeeded to reinvent yourself? Every year you look younger and better in your role interpretation?
I think it is knowing what matters and being authentic and real. But in all, you must make sense. I am blessed that at a very tender age, I was able to find God, so my Christian values have been able to let me know what is wrong and what not to do. That way, the core me is real. I no dey form. With me, what you see is what you get. I don’t have time to live fake lifestyle. Whenever I come out, it is still about the real me. Talking about work, I never take it for granted. From the beginning of my career, I knew what I wanted. I had a vision and kept staying focused. Even now, I remain undistracted. The more you are inspired and focused, the more you are relevant.
*Any regrets marrying early?
Not, not at all! It is one of the biggest blessings of my life because I look back and ask myself ‘if I hadn’t gotten married then, would I have married now?’ It is hard nowadays. It is difficult to find someone who would love you for who you really are and not the image they see on the screen or the image they have in their minds of who you are. I understand what my unmarried colleagues are going through; it is not easy. Having said that, I also think getting married to my friend, a wonderful, confident and powerful man has really helped me. He allowed me to have that stability and still go out there and fly.
*What happened to your music career?
I want to get back to the music industry so bad. I am coming back. It is not like I care what people are saying but I will be back soon.
Would your son produce your songs?
Well, I would like him to produce but we fight a lot. I used to complain a lot before but I have stopped because I know he takes after me. He knows what he wants and goes for it. I am always like ‘you’ve not even started yet and you are always acting so stubborn and pushing me around’. I don’t think we can ever get to work together because we are both headstrong. But on the other hand, I would love to work with him because he is a very fantastic producer. I just hope someday we can find a balance, agree and just let it happen. I want to do music in a way that I would always be at concerts. I don’t want to be like Tiwa Savage because that is her first career and I have movies as my first. I can’t compete with Tiwa. I like to express myself with music and I like to perform where people can come and watch me. So, I am planning on shaping my music career towards that end.
Source: The Sun News

by Alex6ixvibez

Black Sunday

Rev Fr Cyriacus Ojukwu is a priest of the catholic diocese of Orlu who was abducted yesterday at Orlu, IMO State and his corpse found this morning.
Fr CY only came back from abroad to plan for his fathers burial and both are presently lying cold in d mortuary.

The bible says"touch not my anointed
And do my prophet no harm........
For whoever touches them has touched the apple of my eyes......
Let's invoke the God of vengeance,the avenging God of Psalm 94 to arise quickly and arrest the perpetrators of this evil act for the battle is not ours but His and vengeance belong to him alone.

Fr CY,  may d soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,through the mercy of God rest in perfect peace,Amen!

More photos after the cut....

Nigerian actor, Kasimu Yero famous for his roles in Kannywood movies has died at the age of 70.  

Late Kasimu died in the afternoon on Sunday, September 3, 2017 at his home, Marafan Estate, Kaduna and has since been buried after evening prayers at the Maiduguri Road Mosque, Kaduna.

Kasimu Yero will be remembered for his role in the NTA drama series, “Magana Jarice” in Hausa, meaning ‘Wisdom is an asset.’ 

The recent crash of Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi and his former wife, Olori Wuraola's 17-month old marriage continues to generate mixed reviews home and abroad.

The latest to comment on it is popular Ifa Traditionalist, Playwright, Actor and Author, Yemi Elebuibon who spoke to SUN saying ex-Olori Wuraola, must necessarily undergo appropriate traditional cleansing process to enable her to regain normal life.  

While noting that Ooni would not be the first Yoruba Oba to be seperated from his wife, Elebuibon stressed that marriage breakup is not very common among Yoruba Obas, 'the wife of the Oba will be asked to consult Ifa and Ifa will give directions on how she will make the necessary atonement for her cleansing. In Yoruba tradition, a woman who has been married to a king cannot lay with any other man even if the marriage breaks up. But when the right atonements have been made, there won’t be problem'.
On the kind of problems which an Oba’s ex-wife might encounter if she refuses to undergo the traditional cleansing rites, Elebuibon said: 'for the woman, she might not really have a problem but for any man who sleeps with a queen or marries an ex-queen without the appropriate cleansing, the man may die prematurely, he may be struck with sickness or there might be retrogression in his life'.

He explained that if an ex-queen wants to remarry, she will have to do the cleansing with her new husband. Both of them have to take part in the atonement procedures so that they won’t have any future problem.  “Any marriage she would be going into must not be elaborate. They should go far away and avoid any flamboyant wedding,” Elebuibon warned. 

The Plus Size fashion week took place in Lagos yesterday September 2nd. Some of the plus size models proudly showed off their banging bods as they strutted the runway dressed only in their swimsuits and corsets.
The Plus-size fashion week Africa was created to help stop the stigmatiza­tion and body shaming of the plus-sized woman.
See more photos and a video of the models below

Watch a video from the fashion show on this Blog.....

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